
2023 Robert Wilder Memorial Presentation: Honoring Brookfield’s First Inhabitants – Part 1 – The Past – Author Donald Duffy speaks on the history of the Quaboag and Nipmuck Indians.

2023 Robert Wilder Memorial Presentation: Honoring Brookfield’s First Inhabitants – Part II – The Present – Interview with Tom Silver Fox Morse, Spiritual Leader of the Webster/Dudley Band of Chaubunagungamaug Nipmucks

2023 Robert Wilder Memorial Presentation: Honoring Brookfield’s First Inhabitants -Part III A – The Hazards – Brookfield Commission member Donald Faugno presents new research on the Hazard family of Brookfield.

2023 Robert Wilder Memorial Presentation: Honoring Brookfield’s First Inhabitants – Part III B – The Future – As Part of the 350th Anniversary of Brookfield, MA, the Brookfield Historical Commission sponsored the first Robert Wilder Memorial Presentation: “Honoring Brookfield’s First Inhabitants”. Peabody Award-Winning Documentary Director Ted Timreck presents a compilation of his films to illustrate a successful example of Tribal Leaders working with a town government to acknowledge, protect, and honor Native American sacred places.

1990 Mathiew’s Mills Tour with Bob Wilder

Wheeler’s Surprise

Exodus from Enfield

The Destruction of Brookfield – 1675

Madame Jumel

The Conflict in the Brookfield Churches

Changes in New England Geology

Bob Wilder – Voice from the Valley – 1994 – Friends of the Quabbin

Lost Towns of Quabbin: Boat Ride Connecting Point (WGBY, Channel 57, Oct 7, 2013) Narrated by Bob Wilder (formerly of Smith Village

2014 Preservation Award to Bob Wilder

The Ponds – Quaboag and Quacumquasit

1994 QHS Historical Sites Tour with Bob Wilder

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