Map 15 – Historical Sites of Brookfield

To Search, use the Magnifying Glass Icon in the upper right corner.
Each map has zoom buttons in the upper left of the screen or use the mouse wheel.
Click on Popup Links along the right edge of the screen for Bob's Video Commentary and Tyler's Take.
Relevant Text will also have a popup link when available.
Video and PDF Reader both have inner controls.
To close any popup, click anywhere else on the screen.
Note: Maps 47-55 have no video commentary. Maps 53-55 have no summary.


Bob's Commentary - Map 15

Tyler's Take - Map 15
Relevant Text Map 9

Please note: Misalignment of roads and other markings at high zoom levels are due to scanning issues, not the map maker. The Wilder Map is so large, it was scanned in strips, and difficult to merge accurately. This does not affect the locations of markers.

Relevant Text Map 15

Please note: Misalignment of roads and lines at high zoom levels are due to scanning issues, not the map maker. The Wilder Map is so large, it was scanned in strips, and difficult to merge accurately. This does not affect the location markers.